
Metamask to anyone who is looking for a secure, easy-to-use, and versatile platform for managing their crypto assets. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced crypto user.

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a browser plugin that functions as an Ethereum wallet, is simple to install, and doesn’t require any additional plug-ins. It’s compatible with all major browsers, including Chrome and Firefox. When it’s installed, users can view their Ethereum address and send/receive ETH or tokens to/from any other Ethereum address. By connecting to Ethereum-based dApps, users of the metamask wallet can stake their coins on gambling sites or trade them on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). MetaMask also gives users access to the DeFi ecosystem and allows them to participate in projects such as Compound and PoolTogether.

What is MetaMask

In addition, since the MetaMask wallet works with most browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, it’s easier for developers to create new applications that will be compatible with those browsers. By simplifying the process for developers, the MetaMask wallet is playing an important role in the dApp ecosystem by making it easier for people to access dApps.

What are the features of the MetaMask wallet?

features of the MetaMask wallet
  • User Friendly

The whole process takes only about 10 minutes and doesn’t require any email address or other personally identifiable information. If you lose your metamask wallet password, simply type the 12-word recovery phrase you created into a new MetaMask account, and you’re back in business.

  • Security

Your MetaMask wallet password is encrypted in your computer’s browser, which nobody else can access. If you lose your metamask wallet password, you can use the seed phrase to recover your account. It’s important to keep the seed phrase safe – because you cannot retrieve your phrase once it is lost, it’s up to you to save it somewhere safe.

  • In-Built Crypto Store

You cannot purchase Bitcoin through the MetaMask wallet. It only supports Ether and other Ether-related tokens; therefore, you can only purchase Ether and other tokens based on Ether.

  • Restore and Backup

If you’re using the MetaMask wallet, your wallet is stored locally. This means that if you switch browsers or machines, you can restore your metamask wallet by entering your recovery phrase.

  • Community Support

As of August 2021, the MetaMask wallet had 10 million monthly active users worldwide and was adding 1800% more users per month. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to access Ethereum dApps with just a few clicks.

What are the use cases of the Metamask wallet?

  • Transactions

The MetaMask wallet makes it easy to make a crypto-based transaction. Enter the receiver’s address and the amount you’re paying them and press “send”. Your metamask wallet will then ask you to confirm the transaction before it goes through, so make sure to double-check before sending anything out. Afterward, just hit “send” to finish the job. Apart from this, you can also transfer Ether from other sources to your MetaMask wallet.

Just use the address you got through your registration. If you can’t find the address, head to the ellipses icon (…) and press the “copy address to clipboard” option. Afterward, paste the address to Coinbase or any other crypto account so you can send Ether to your MetaMask wallet.

use cases of the Metamask wallet
  • Decentralized Apps

The MetaMask wallet extension is convenient for interacting with Ethereum-based platforms, like CryptoKitties or EtherDelta. It lets you trade tokens and create accounts on any of these websites with ease. To use the metamask wallet extension, click the “Connect to Wallet” button on your platform of choice. Then allow the website to access your MetaMask wallet by clicking “Accept” on the pop-up screen.

Finally, your exchange or account will be connected to your metamask wallet, and you can begin shopping! You can’t send cryptocurrency from these applications without connecting them to a personal address, like a MetaMask one. However, that would be too easy if it were remotely possible.

  • Smart Chain Metamask

To create a smart chain metamask you need to first install the metamask wallet from the app store and then open your wallet to click on the three dots on the corner of the screen. To start with a smart chain metamask you will need to expand the view of the screen and start browsing on a different tab. The smart chain metamask solution should be easy to achieve from here. You need to click on the profile icon and explore the settings. You should be able to see the ‘Add Network’ option to add the smart chain metamask information to set up your Binance smart chain.

Once you have completed the setup of the smart chain metamask you will be able to transact seamlessly between BNB and another Binance wallet with your

advantages of using the Metamask wallet

What are the advantages of using the Metamask wallet?

  • Open Source

The platform has some great advantages. It’s free, for instance, because its code is online and open-source. In addition, the code is widely available for anyone to download and modify if they’re knowledgeable about programming; however, unless you’re experienced in coding, experts recommend not to modify the extension yourself.

Furthermore, being open-source means that the community can review and update the metamask wallet program anytime. Being able to review the code also means that the community can weed out any bugs you may find.

  • HD Settings

You can use the MetaMask wallet to keep your account safe by keeping a list of recovery words called seed phrases. You can use these phrases to reset your account if you lose it.

  • Purchasing

MetaMask’s most important feature is that it displays the website you’re visiting in another browser tab. This allows you to keep all your Ethereum transactions private and helps you avoid phishing sites. The smart chain metamask also offers a direct connection to the Coinbase and ShapeShift online exchanges.

  • Local Key Storage

If you’re using an online wallet, it means the application stores your keys externally. This is convenient for everyday use, but it sacrifices security because a third party can access your keys, which might lead to theft. Some wallets include locally-stored keys instead, which means the keys are only available when you’re using the software. As a result, users have more control over their keys and they’re generally more secure.

What are the disadvantages of using

  • Access to Browser—while safe and secure—isn’t necessarily the safest option for a web browser. Since browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome aren’t rooted in cryptocurrency, they can only lead you to a MetaMask app, but they can’t store your cryptocurrency codes for you. If you don’t your computer to store the information about your activity, you might want to consider using Brave or another privacy-first web browser instead.

disadvantages of using
  • Online Access

While has perks like accessibility and ease of use, there’s a major security issue with online wallets: their vulnerability to theft and hacking. Because doesn’t provide a great deal of protection (especially for a digital platform), users should be wary about storing large amounts of Ether online.

  • Etherium Only Policy

Convenient and reliable – but not always the most cost-effective option. One of the biggest problems with is that it only works with Ethereum and Ethereum-based tokens. This means you can’t store other cryptocurrencies in the wallet – unless changes its code. Now, you might think this isn’t much of an issue if you mainly use Ethereum. However, there are many alternatives that support a variety of cryptocurrencies and tokens, so why use at all?

What are the alternatives to Metamask?

  • MyEther Wallet

MyEtherWalletis an Ethereum wallet that is more like a wallet creation platform than MetaMask. Like, you can use the MyEtherWallet only online or offline. However, unlike, with MyEtherWallet users have total control over their keys and can access their wallets as cold storage or hot storage. In addition, MyEtherWallet is arguably the easiest way to store Ether on a Ledger Nano S device.

  • Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase and are similar in that they both allow you to hold and make transactions with cryptocurrencies. However, Coinbase is unique among cryptocurrency wallets in that you can seamlessly integrate it with the Coinbase exchange. It’s also much more secure than most other hot wallets due to its open-source nature and its adherence to security standards.

  • Trust Wallet

If you’ve used MetaMask Web3 before, you might know that it works exclusively with the Ethereum blockchain. That’s why some people prefer to use alternatives like Trust Wallet. The Trust Wallet app lets you store over 250,000 anonymous digital assets and also gives you full access to blockchains in general. This gives you plenty of space to make trades or just move assets around without worrying about where they’re being stored or how you can manage them. It has a proprietary exchange feature so you can instantly trade tokens for any cryptocurrency of your choice.

Installing Metamask Web3 and Setting up your Account

  • Downloading

The first step is obviously to download the Metamask Extension. You can find this download on the official Metamask Web3 website. You can also go to the main site to see if there is any new news or updates. The official site offers support for three major operating systems, Android, iOS, and Windows. Simply install the extension of the Metamask Web3 by clicking on the download button (the yellow button with a picture of a fox) and then following the instructions that appear in your browser.

  • Creating a Wallet

Installation of the Metamask Web3 extension is quite simple. After you have installed the metamask web3 extension, a screen will greet you that displays a “Get Started” button. Clicking on this button will direct you to the “Create a Wallet” section of MetaMask web3. To set up your wallet, you need to click on the “Create a Wallet” button on the “Create Wallet” section of the website. MetaMask web3 will then ask you whether you want to support the development of this platform through donations. If you are not interested in supporting MetaMask web3 with donations, then you can click on “No Thanks” or click on “I agree.” Now, you can clearly see how to set up Metamask web3 within minutes.

  • Password Creation

Next, you’ll set a password for MetaMask. A strong password should be at least eight characters long and use both letters and numbers. Make it unique—no one else should have a password like yours. To make your password, try putting words together or use a random word generator online. When you’re done, read the “Terms of Use” and click “I agree to these terms” if they are OK with you. Once you agree to the terms, you can create your password by clicking “Create.”

  • Ensuring Backup

In order to create your Metamask wallet password, the prompt will ask you to write down a 12-word backup phrase. The backup phrase serves as the only means of accessing your account if you cannot get into your computer. We recommend keeping this 12-word backup phrase in multiple safe places and never exposing it to anyone. After writing down the secret backup phrase as displayed on the screen, click “Next”. Confirm the backup phrase when prompted, entering it exactly as it was written before. After confirming the 12-word backup phrase, you are able to proceed with creating your password for your account.

What are the security risks associated with Metamask use?

  • Browser-based Wallet

While the extension itself does not collect any of your personal information, your browser might. Most browsers can collect information about when and how you use any integrated app or plug-in; this information can be really useful for improving the browser or app experience, but it also means that some less-scrupulous websites can learn detailed information about your browsing habits — like what sites you visit and for how long. Finally, since MetaMask stores private keys within the user’s browser, the theft of this data remains theoretically possible, if still unlikely.

  • Hot Wallets

MetaMask is a bridge that allows users to access the Ethereum network from their browsers, without running a full node. When you use it, digital wallets that are connected to the Ethereum network store all tokens and coins. While both MetaMask Mobile and the desktop extensions have strong encryption features, hot wallets can never be as secure as cold wallets, and any information that is stored online long-term runs the risk of being stolen.

  • Reliance on External Nodes

MetaMask does not run its own full node. Instead, it connects to other nodes that MetaMask doesn’t directly control. While this has worked well to date, sometimes these external nodes go down, temporarily disrupting or shutting down MetaMask.

What is Metamask’s future?

Compared to cold wallets like Trezor and Ledger, Metamask as a hot wallet is not as secure. The online nature of the wallet makes it less secure than its counterparts. However, with regards to its interaction with Ethereum-based Dapps, it beats all other wallets because of its cross-platform existence and ease of use. Experts contend that the extensive proliferation of the DeFi sector owes its existence to the browser extension.

As far as personal information is concerned, it maintains that they do not possess ay personal information of its users on its servers and their information is stored in the user’s browsers in an encrypted format. With all its considerations, it is still a hot wallet as it depends on the internet for the storage of crypto wallets. Whereas, cold wallets are more secure because store crypto assets on a piece of hardware.

Another freedom that users have is their ability to set the gas fees above or below the average fees. That enables them to determine the speed at which they intend to complete their transactions. This crypto wallet is serving in its own way as a prolific channel into the world of the dApp ecosystem. It has already surpassed 10 million active users and is slowly making a name for itself as a non-custodial wallet.


  • What is metamask?

If you are at a loss and want to understand what is metamask you might want to know that the smart chain metamask has a lot of uses. It can manage account keys and broadcast transactions and receive Ethereum-based tokens and connect through dApps through compatible browsers.

  • How does Metamask work?

The smart chain metamask is an API solution that acts as a seamless channel between a user and the Ethereum ecosystem. As a hot wallet, the smart chain metamask also acts as a repository for ERC tokens.

As of August 31, 2021 Consensys announced that metamask has now over 10 million active users which have shown a 19x growth from July 2020. This establishes metamask as the largest non-custodial wallet used globally.

Last updated